Pros and Cons of Having a Pet Hamster

A brown and white hamster with half eaten broccoli in front of it.

Hamsters are small and cute animals that can make great pets for the right person. They are easy to care for, inexpensive to maintain, and can be a lot of fun to watch and interact with. However, there are also some downsides to keeping a hamster as a pet. It’s important to consider both the pros and cons before making the decision to bring one home. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of having a pet hamster to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Keeping a Hamster as a Pet

Low Maintenance

One of the biggest pros of keeping a hamster as a pet is that they are low maintenance. Hamsters are small animals that can be easily cared for, and they don’t require a lot of attention or space. They can be kept in a small cage or habitat and don’t need to be taken for walks or groomed like other pets.


Another pro of keeping a hamster as a pet is that they are relatively inexpensive. Hamsters don’t require a lot of expensive equipment or supplies, and their food is inexpensive. This makes them a great option for people on a budget.


Hamsters are also known to be entertaining pets. They are active and playful animals that can be a lot of fun to watch and interact with. They have their own personalities and can be quite comical at times.

Cons of Keeping a Hamster as a Pet

Short Lifespan

On the other hand, one of the cons of keeping a hamster as a pet is that they have a relatively short lifespan. The average lifespan of a hamster is 2-3 years. This means that they may not be the best option for people who are looking for a long-term pet.


Another con of keeping a hamster as a pet is that they are nocturnal animals. This means that they are most active at night and may make noise or wake you up during the night. It also means that they may not be the best option for people who want a pet that they can interact with during the day.

Potential for Bite

Hamsters have a tendency to bite if they feel threatened or scared. This can be a problem for people who have small children. It is also not ideal for those who are not comfortable handling small animals. Hamster bites can be painful, and they can also transmit diseases.

Limited Interaction

While hamsters are entertaining, they are limited in their ability to interact with humans. They are not as interactive as other pets, such as dogs or cats. Therefore, hamsters may not be the best option for people who are looking for a more interactive pet.

Final Thoughts

The pros and cons of having a pet hamster should be carefully considered before making the decision to bring one home. Hamsters are low maintenance, inexpensive, and entertaining pets. However, they also have a short lifespan, are nocturnal, have the potential to bite, and have limited interaction.

By weighing these factors and considering your own lifestyle, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a hamster is the right pet for you. Remember that owning a pet is a big responsibility. Most importantly, you must commit to the daily care and well-being of your new companion.