Must Have Cat Supplies

Cat with long whiskers staring upwards.

When you bring a new cat into your home, it’s important to have the right supplies to keep them healthy, happy, and safe. In this article, we’ll cover the essential cat supplies that every cat owner should have.

Food and water bowls

Food and water bowls are a must-have for every cat owner. Look for bowls that are sturdy, easy to clean, and the appropriate size for your cat. Ceramic and stainless steel bowls are a good choice, as they’re durable and easy to sanitize.

Quality cat food

Choosing the right food for your cat is essential for their health and well-being. Look for a high-quality cat food that’s appropriate for your cat’s age, breed, and activity level.

Consider factors such as protein content, carbohydrate content, and the inclusion of vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods that contain fillers, artificial preservatives, and other potentially harmful ingredients. You can also ask your vet for recommendations on what type of food would best suit your cat.

Litter box and litter

A litter box and litter are essential for keeping your cat’s living space clean and hygienic. Look for a litter box that’s the appropriate size for your cat and made from durable materials. Consider factors such as the type of litter, the level of odor control, and the ease of cleaning. Clumping litter is a popular choice, as it’s easy to scoop and can help control odors.


Cat carrier

A cat carrier is essential for transporting your cat to the vet or on trips. Look for a carrier that’s the appropriate size for your cat and made from sturdy materials. Consider factors such as the ease of cleaning, the level of ventilation, and the level of comfort for your cat.

Scratching post

A scratching post is essential for your cat’s health and well-being. Look for a post that’s tall enough for your cat to fully stretch out and made from sturdy materials. Consider factors such as the texture of the post, the stability of the base, and the level of appeal for your cat. A scratching post can help prevent destructive scratching behavior and provide mental and physical stimulation.

Cat bed

A comfortable bed is essential for your cat’s health and well-being. Look for a bed that’s the appropriate size for your cat and made from high-quality materials. Consider factors such as the level of support, the ease of cleaning, and the style of the bed. A cat bed can provide a comfortable and safe space for your cat to relax and sleep.


Toys are essential for keeping your cat mentally and physically stimulated. Look for toys that are appropriate for your cat’s age, size, and activity level. Consider factors such as durability, safety, and the type of play your cat enjoys. Interactive toys, such as wand toys and puzzle toys, can help provide mental stimulation and strengthen the bond between you and your cat.

Grooming supplies

Regular grooming is important for your cat’s health and well-being. Look for grooming supplies such as a brush, comb, and nail clippers that are appropriate for your cat’s breed and coat type. Consider factors such as the ease of use, the level of maintenance, and the quality of the materials. You may also want to consider getting a professional grooming every once in a while, especially if your cat has a long or thick coat.



Catnip is a natural herb that’s known to have a stimulating effect on cats. Look for catnip that’s fresh and high-quality. You can offer catnip to your cat as a treat or use it to help entice your cat to use a new toy or scratching post.


Treats are a useful tool for training and rewarding your cat. Look for treats that are appropriate for your cat’s age, size, and dietary needs. Consider factors such as the level of palatability, the nutritional value, and the ingredient quality. You can also use treats to help keep your cat’s teeth clean and freshen their breath.

Cat harness and leash

A cat harness and leash can be a great tool for safely taking your cat outside. Look for a harness that’s the appropriate size for your cat and made from sturdy materials. Consider factors such as the adjustability of the fit and the level of comfort for your cat. It’s important to make sure your cat is comfortable wearing a harness and leash before venturing outside.

Cat trees or shelves

Cat trees or shelves are essential for providing your cat with vertical space to climb and play. Look for a tree or shelf that’s sturdy and made from durable materials. Consider factors such as the height of the tree, the number of perches and hiding spots, and the level of appeal for your cat. A cat tree or shelf can provide your cat with exercise, mental stimulation, and a safe space to retreat to.

Pet hair remover

A pet hair remover is essential for keeping your home clean and free of pet hair. Look for a pet hair remover that’s effective on a variety of surfaces, such as carpets, upholstery, and clothing. Consider factors such as the ease of use and the level of durability. A lint roller can also be a useful tool for quickly removing pet hair from clothing and furniture.

First aid kit

A first aid kit is an essential item to have on hand in case of an emergency. Look for a kit that includes items such as gauze, bandages, antiseptic solution, and tweezers. You can also add items such as a thermometer and a pet first aid manual.

Cleaning supplies

Cleaning supplies are essential for keeping your home and your cat’s living space clean and hygienic. Look for supplies such as pet-safe cleaning solutions, odor eliminators, and a good vacuum cleaner. You may also want to consider getting a portable carpet cleaner for accidents or spills.


Final Thoughts

In conclusion, having the right cat supplies is essential for keeping your feline friend healthy, happy, and safe. By investing in quality food and water bowls, cat food, a litter box and litter, a cat carrier, a scratching post, a cat bed, toys, grooming supplies, catnip, treats, a cat harness and leash, cat trees or shelves, a pet hair remover, a first aid kit, and cleaning supplies, you can help ensure that your cat has everything they need to thrive.

Remember to consider your cat’s individual needs and preferences when selecting supplies, and consult with your vet if you have any questions or concerns. With the right supplies and plenty of love and attention, you can help ensure that your cat has a long, happy, and healthy life.